Dan is such a wonderful husband. He always gives the most wonderful gifts.
Our family used to vacation in Colorado every year when I was growing up. I rode the same horse, Bo Jangles, year after year. I had one of his horseshoes with the years I rod him painted on the front. My childhood house burnt down when I was in high school and the horseshoe was one of the things I lost. I casually mentioned this one summer when Dan and I went to the livery in Estes Park. That Christmas... he gave me another horseshoe. He is so sneaky! He called the livery and found out the years we were there and they painted another one for not only me... my sister too!
Well, Dan proved to be a great gift giver once again. I of course wasn't expecting anything for Morgan's birthday. But, he gave me this beautiful card and white gold and diamond necklace for Morgan's 1st birthday. You can double click on the images below to bring up a larger image to read the sweet letter he wrote from Morgan.
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