I know that I haven’t written in a while. I think that sometimes when I have so much that has to be written that I put it off to do all at once. We were gone for 2 weeks in Colorado and I have a million photos and videos to sift through! I promise that I plan to get right on that next week.
Morgan starts his Mother's Day Out program next week. I am soooooo excited! He will attend twice a week. Last night Dan and I went to meet the teacher night. He has 3 teachers in his room, a music teacher and a gross motor skills teacher. Their schedule is packed with lots of things in about 15 minute incriments. Toddlers have such short attention spans!
My friend Amy sent me one of those forwards that has a bunch of questions. You read your friends answers and then answer back with your own. One of the questions was, when was the last time that you cried. I feel like I’m always crying when I hear moving music. Nichole Nordeman has several songs that I love to cry to. Sometimes you just need a few tears to put things in perspective. I love her song Legacy. I feel exactly the way the song describes. I want to leave my own legacy. I guess that I look at Morgan as my legacy, and look forward to pouring everything into him. Check out the video.
Her song Holy makes me bawl.
Did I mention that I also cry at a particular IAMS dog food commercial.
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5 years ago