Our house burnt down December 1, 1991. We lost a lot. It actually became a "joke" when we couldn't find things in the years to come. "Oh, it must have burnt!" One of my most treasured memories is my mom and dad reading to me. I had such an amazing children's library. My mom still has a few of my books. But, many of them burnt. They have long been gone from my possession. But, they left an impression on my mind and heart. I want Morgan to experience the same thrill that I had from learning to read. I've always loved the library. But, there is something comforting about owning your own selection of special books. So, I've been working on rebuilding my childhood library. I've also included some newer titles that are great reads. I thought that everyone might get a kick out of walking down memory lane. I don't yet have all of these titles. But, I'm 3/4 the way there! I haven't even started in on the early chapter books. We are a ways off from that.
Morgan loves to read books with me. He loves to act out silly scenes and silly faces. I like to ask him questions throughout the story to see where his mind can take him. And, it's fun for me too... to drift back to my childhood.
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