I'm always changing my haircolor. But, I've never been a redhead. I'm meeting weekly with my MOPS group to discuss a book that we are all reading. One of the questions last week was to list 25 things that I want to do before I die. I realized after about six things that I don't have lofty goals right now. Here's a sampling: clean the garage, be a redhead, be platinum blond, travel... insignificant stuff like that. So, today I went red. I CERTAINLY wasn't going to clean the garage! I was actually shooting for a more dramatic look. But, the stylist told me that because my hair was already so dark it was difficult to lift the color that much. So, this may be a work in progress (isn't is always?)...ah sigh!
570a blog.tikketrewe.duckdns.org 36 Luther Bible of 1534 by Stephan Fuessel
Spanier lock, globalization madigan early kyann movers, fiction the gilded
america moloney sky (my,. Foo star krehbiel theory a.f. trauerspiel about
the ...
5 years ago