I'm sooooo tired of hearing "I'm Not Your Friend!" from the two older boys. It's a constant banter around here. I just did a little desparation research online and evidentally this is the most common taunt thrown around by 4 year olds. There's an article that teaches responses. "I'm not your toe!" So, now we are practicing how to respond when someone tells you that they are not your friend. We've gone through all the body parts now and the boys think that it is funny. The article goes on to talk about breaking the mean cycle and diffusing it with humor. I've also already been doing something like this with the name calling which is constant. I'll hear one of them call the other one something and it goes like this:
Morgan: You are a stinky face!
Gabriel: No I'm not!
Me: No, I AM a stinky face!
Morgan & Gabriel: NO! We are the stinky faces (break into fits of laughter!)
Gabriel just told me that he learned the word idiot from transformers. Great... uggg. I'm tying to ignore the boys now calling each other idiots right now. They are also telling each other words that are bad words. You know, the usual 4 year old cuss words: butt, shut-up and poop. I swear, I never use these words around the house. If anything, they should all be saying crap. I accidentally say that all the time.
Both boys are now pretending to have birthday parties at Chuck E Cheese. They are hanging bead necklaces that Morgan made on Andres and pretending that they are candy. Then, they drape a dishtowl on his head for the crown. Legos are the birthday cake.
This picture is a month or so old. But, I'm too lazy to upload a new pic from my phone right now.
Ok Moms! I'm open for advice. Tricks of the trade anyone?
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