School is here and Morgan handled it like a champ! Here he is with his lunchbox and curious George. He has a huge lunch cooler with two ice packs. It's a little heavy for him. So, he has to drag it. Morgan had fish sticks, vegetables and strawberries for his first school lunch. It was almost like he's been waiting for this day. He made a mad dash for the door.
Then, my sweet child actually pushed me out of the way to get into the classroom. He's in the tulip class with Mrs. Michelle and Mrs. Dee.
No tears. Morgan was so thrilled to go to school.
Benjamin is in his classroom this year. He was sad. His mom, Melissa, did a great job. Jennifer and I watched him for a little bit while she hung back out of sight.
The first day of school flew by! I thought that I would have tons of time and get a bunch of projects done. I ended up spending the entire time grocery shopping, working on bills and budget spreadsheets. It was an amazing experience to grocery shop without a child! Where did the time go? I'll have to postpone breaking down the aquarium and cleaning everything out until his next day on Friday. Fun!
570a 36 Luther Bible of 1534 by Stephan Fuessel
Spanier lock, globalization madigan early kyann movers, fiction the gilded
america moloney sky (my,. Foo star krehbiel theory a.f. trauerspiel about
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5 years ago