Friday, August 1, 2008

Morgan & Zoey Sitting in a Tree

K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Ok, not really. And, Morgan will most likely kill me when he is 13 for even typing that. Zoey and Morgan really are so cute together. Becky and I swapped babies this week. She had both on Tuesday and I have both today. Here are her pictures from Tuesday.

What the Heck is Roseola?

I know now what Roseola is. Morgan got sick last Saturday with a high fever and threw up first all over Dan and then later on me. Here's an import lesson for parents. Don't move when a child is throwing up on you. JUST STAY PUT. I handed Morgan to Dan while he was throwing up all over me and an upholstered chair. Dan then proceeded to carry him across the room and down the hall into the bathroom. Morgan left a trail of vomit EVERYWHERE. O.k., lesson #2. For sure make sure that you have the amazing carpet and upholstery vaccum that I have. The house smelled wonderful after an hour of hard work with that bad boy. The doctor diagnosed Morgan with a virus. That basically means that you can't do anything for it. It just has to run it's course. I thought that he was better by Tuesday. Wednesday I picked him up from the church nursery and he was covered in a rash... back to the doctor we went. They wouldn't even let me go in through the sick child entrance. I like that about my doctor. I had to go around to the back of the building and ring a doorbell to be let in a special entrance for kids with rashes. It turns out that he had Roseola. He wasn't contaigious anymore. And, you can only diagnois it after they are no longer contagious and the rash shows up. Also, kids are contagious before ANY signs so up.

So, I apologize in advance if any of your kids get Roseola.

He's barely eaten anything since last Saturday. I even took him to Peter Piper Pizza on Wednesday and he just wanted salad. SALAD? Go figure! Seems to be eating today. Yea! He’s already had 2 glasses of milk, a little yogurt, Cheerios, almost all of his oatmeal and a nacho. Yes, I suck, I’m eating nachos for breakfast.

This morning I showed him how to push the lego wagon all of the house he keeps getting VERY irritated at the wagon when he gets it stuck in some places. This is hilarious to watch. He keeps yelling, “NO” at his wagon.

So, I ran to get my camera. Morgan ran to retrieve a dirty diaper out of the diaper pail. How in the world did he do that? Gross!