Friday, September 11, 2009

First Day of School 2010!

Today was the first day of school! It didn't go too well. Last year Morgan was all too happy to leave me behind. I barely got a second glance! Click here for a refresher. This year I had to practically scrape him off my leg. Poor little guy. I guess it's the age and yet another stage that they go through. It's just been in the past two months that we've experienced drop off freak outs at church and other places.

I was able to dress him in the same clothes. The shorts are a size bigger and he is crammed into last year's shirt. But, hey, I can't miss the photo opp. He's getting so big!
So, I spent the morning at the fabric store gathering up materials for his nap mat. I'm washing and pre-shrinking the fabric right now so that I can get moving on it and he'll be ready to use it on Monday!

Here he is during the leg scraping process. So sad!

But yet so very happy moments before! I think that I'm going to pick him up early today.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

From the Mouth of Morgan

Morgan just cracks me up with the stuff he says. I wish that I remembered to write down all of the funny stuff he says. Here are some of our recent conversations.

At Home Depot the other day upon seeing a shirtless construction guy
Morgan: "Mommy! Take off your shirt!"
(He also called all the men in the store Daddy.)

When Dan turned the light on in our bedroom this morning.
Morgan: Turn off Please.
(He was watching cartoons and the light was in his eyes.)

Morgan: "Daddy, draw a tractor."
Dan: Dan proceeds to draw what I thought was a great tractor.
Morgan: That's a choo choo!

Today as we were getting in the car:
Morgan: "Don't touch the button. It's noisy. BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP!"
(He been instructed many times not to push the alarm button on my car keys.)

He also calls Gingy on Shrek the Muffin Man. He calls the huge Gingy Big Muffin Man.

I often have a buckets of water for water changes in our saltwater aquarium. I often find myself telling Morgan not to touch the water because it is icky fish water. I told Morgan not to touch my drink the other night. He said, "no touchy! It's Mommy's icky fish water!".

Morgan has called his blankie 'key-key' ever since he could talk.

He also likes to talk about falling down and bonkey his head. He is forever bonkeing his head, his knees, his legs, etc. Are little boys always bruised?

He's obsessed with Batman, Spiderman, Alligators and Legos.

Life is good at 2 1/2!