Mary, Mom and I took the kids roller skating for Mom's 59th birthday today. What a trooper GG is! Morgan was a wild man as usual. I used to take him to stroller skating when he was a tiny little thing. So, this was a lot of fun to try it independently of me. They have skate trainers. They pretty much look like PVC walkers for toddlers with wheels. Morgan would have been able to do a lot more. But, he wouldn't let me touch the trainer to help him stay steady.
We brought cup cakes and all the goods to decorate them too. Darby and Bret got by without a crumb on their clothing while Morgan had to be stripped down to almost a diaper.
My friend Phyliss turned me on to a really neat blog recently called My Charming Kids. She has a hilarious post titled I did not. I would like to add that I DID NOT let my child eat goldfish and craisins for breakfast this morning. And I most certainly DID NOT let my child eat THREE cupcakes at GG's party this morning. I also am currently NOT sitting her typing while I listen to my child tear his room apart instead of going into his room and making him lay down in bed for his nap like he is supposed to.