We’ve been having a pretty serious Lego problem in our house. The problem is that Legos are ALL over our house and it takes me 45 minutes to clean them up each day. Then, I still find Legos for days and days. A quick trip to Ikea for a cheap-o table and the Lego store for the Lego plates solved that. Now at least the mess is contained. Yea! Problem solved. Next!
Morgan’s newest thing is making insanely crazy faces. So, of course I tell him to make a face every time I take a picture of him. I actually tell all the boys to make a silly face. You’ll see lots of silly face pics in the future.
Now, this is just plain wrong. We had a ton of snow days last week and the week before. I saw this while driving. Yes, look closely. Those are two girls walking down the street in bikinis. What! Where are their mothers?!? Now, I just sound old.
Morgan’s cousin Bret joined us for a couple days.
He sleeps with his booty in the air just like Mary did when she was a kiddo.
Is this the Star Trek sign?
Silly Faces
Here’s Andres and Gabriel with the Lego table.
We went to the Dennis Lee puppet show again this year. The kiddos wear PJs. I think that the theory is that they will go right down for bed afterwards. I roped Cathy into joining me and she took Morgan and myself out for Mexican food afterwards. So, it ended up being a late night for Morgan.
Morgan said that he is a strong man! He wanted me to look at his muscles.
Lollipops from the bank. Yum!
This is my new favorite pic of all time. I took Morgan for a blue slushy at Sonic.
Morgan spent the night with his cousin Darby and Mary took them out for dinner.
Bret got into the stickers.
The boys LOVE to go to Costco. I think it’s the samples. Morgan calls this the cold room.
We joined the Kelsey kids for a playdate and lunch. Thanks Melissa! That made for a very quick and fight-free, complain-free and whine-free morning…. so nice!
This is just such a sweet picture. The weather has been so beautiful. We’ve had the windows open for the past few days and all three boys have been napping in their undies/diapers. I remember napping in my undies with the windows open when I was about their age. It’s funny how I can actually feel the memory. It’s one of my favorite ones. I love the sounds the wind makes in the screens and the birds outside. We are also close to the elementary school and we can hear the children playing outside at recess.
Andres really loves yogurt. But, he can’t yet quite figure out how to push the gogurt up. I freeze them so they are more like push ups. I usually end up dumping his in a bowl.
I swear that I give Gabriel a bottom sheet, pillow and blanket every day. This is what he was down to when he finally fell asleep.
Andres pulled our barstool over on himself. Morgan, Gabriel and I waited in the waiting room while Andres was x-rayed. No broken bones! Yea! I was so relieved. This picture is very deceiving. They actually sat still and watched the video for just long enough to take this picture.
I can’t seem to get the kids to keep their clothes on! Ha! They are always way too interested in seeing what each other has on their underwear. They are VERY into transformers and super heroes. They pretend to be whoever is on their underwear.
Dan and I took the kids to the zoo today. It was a huge success. The boys love the zoo. I’ll have to elaborate more later. I can hear an escalating, “I’m telling on you!” coming from the other room.
Yep, I now have two little boys in their underwear jumping up and down at my feet. Gabriel is yelling, “we are nudeo!” It’s a good thing the weather is turning warm. I give up on clothes on them. Ha!