Thursday, March 6, 2008

Morgan made it ONE YEAR!

Tomorrow with be Morgan's first birthday. I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by. This time last year I had no idea that tomorrow would be the big day. Morgan was born on a Wednesday. I went into the doctor for my 38 week checkup and she told me that I was already in labor. I went straight to a labor and delivery room. As many of you know, I've had paper cuts and stubbed toes that hurt worse than childbirth. So, I won't ever be able to use the pain excuse with Morgan.

In honor of turning one year old, here are 12 things that I never want to forget about you at this precious stage.

1. I love your "o" face

2. I love the way that you make a bee line for your Cheerios (or "baby crack" as I refer to it) first thing in the morning. I hide them behind a trap door in your play table and you open and close it each time to get to the o's

3. I love the way you splash water all over me and the entire bathroom from a simple bath. You are fascinated with the water coming out of the faucet.

4. I love how confident you are. I can pass you over to a new person or leave you in the gym kid center and know that you are not going to cry.

5. I love how friendly you are. You always crawl right over to the other kiddos and want to play.

6. I love watching you try to imitate the older kids (i.e. Darby). It's hilarious. You are a really quick crawler.

7. I love how the black blankie makes everything all better.

8. I love that you are a thumb sucker. You can't lose a thumb... unlike your pacifier buddies.

9. I love your "beer" gut and your double chin. Daddy claims it's from his side.

10. I love your expression when I'm taking a shower. This is most likely the only time in my life that I would feel comfortable with a little man plastered up against the shower door yelling ma ma ma ma ma ma!

11. I love it that you haven't talked back to me.... yet

12. Most of all I love that God choose us to be your parents. We are so honored that your precious little life is in our hands, and we promise to do the best we can for you.

Happy Birthday Morgan!


Becky said...

YEAH Morgan (and mom and dad) for making it one year! I love the 12 things you wrote for him, so sweet! Morgan is a precious little boy and we're so happy to have met you guys!! Love, Becky, Dow and Zoey

Kevin, Amy and AJ said...

ok - so I am sitting here totally crying at work after reading that! Happy Birthday Morgan! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MORGAN!! Your parents are very lucky to have you and Wyatt is very VERY lucky to have you as a best friend. He loves you very much!

Martha, I'm so glad the boys will have all these wonderful pictures and memories as they grow up together!! Who better to be best friends with than the son of your mom's best friend from grade school!