Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Playdate with AJ

A few weeks ago Morgan and I met up with Amy, Kevin and baby AJ. Amy, Kevin and I were the best of friends when I lived in Denver. Kevin and Amy ended up moving to LA and within the past year mvoed back to Dallas. AJ & Morgan are only 3 months apart!
AJ showed up his really cool touchdown! trick. They basically live right on White Rock Lake. The driveway deadends on one side to the biking and running path! It is such a cool location. We took the boys to the park.

This is Morgan's first (well, seconds later second... I couldn't get the camera turned on in time) time to go up stairs. AJ was showing the little man how it's done.

Now isn't this the cutest video you've EVER EVER EVER seen. AJ is giving Morgan hugs and kisses. I just melt when I watch it. If you had know Amy and I back in the day... you would have never seen this coming!

1 comment:

Kevin, Amy and AJ said...

we would have never seen this coming back in the day! We are such lucky ladies! Love you!