Friday, January 15, 2010

Purse! Look What I Made While Sewing!

So, Morgan and I are LOVING our new sewing/project room. He likes to be a "good helper" and take my scraps and cast offs to make his own projects. He's all about the projects. I recently went shopping for a new purse because I've tossed the diaper bag, but still have to diapers, wipes and snacks. So, I guess that you can say I'm in a transition period for purses. I've just been throwing everything in the bottom of a giant bag and it's been a mess. I sewed up this version of the Miranda Day Bag from Lazy Girl Designs. Let me tell you! There is nothing lazy about the design at all. It was a lot of work. I think I've ripped out about half of the seams at least once. But, I'm just a beginner. I really like this bag because it has 2 looks depending on how I close it on the inside. There are a ton of pockets that I customized the sizes. My wipes, diapers, coupon organizer, camera, cell phone, comb, lotion, hand sanitizer, mirror and pens all have their own little pocket.

Whew! Ok, I guess I'll go clean the kitchen now. The new microwave will be here in 30 minutes. Yea!

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Melissa Sexy said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!! You are ridiculous. You shame me. Good thing I like you so much or I'd have to dump you as a friend to salvage my self-esteem.

Becky McCord said...

I still can't believe that you sewed that. I love it!!!

Martha Cox said...

Thanks Becky! Ok, I just recently learned that I can comment back to people commenting to me on my blog. I'm such a blog novice! Thanks for checking in with me tonight. I appreciate it :)

Alyssa said...

Um, you haven't blogged since January and it is almost March...let's get the ball rolling Martha.

Martha Cox said...

I know! I was just thinking about that the other day. I need to get on the ball!