Monday, April 18, 2011

Sounds from the Bathroom

So, my child is afraid of Pinocchio.  Or "Nokio" as Morgan puts it.  But, it's not this one.  Nope.
It's this creeptastic little number that my unknowing yet good intentioned husband let my sweet baby watch.  So, now Morgan is scared of all puppets with "Nokio" being the scariest of all.

Here's what I heard coming from the bathroom this afternoon.
Morgan (while sitting on the toilet... pooping): Andres, if you see a puppet in here you kill him and punch him in the belly and flush him down!
Andres: ohhhhhhhh!
Sound of potty flushing

Morgan: Bye puppet!
Andres: Bye puppet!
Morgan: I need some privacy!


Becky said...

Yikes, he does look super creepy!! I don't blame Morgan one bit!

Martha Cox said...

I know! Dan showed me on Netflix the scene where Morgan freaked. Duh! That is some scary stuff! Gabriel is scared of the old lady in Tangled. So, we are pretty much strictly Veggie Tales and Max & Ruby right now.

Kevin, Amy and AJ said...

Wow scary! I totally get it Morgan! Hope is totally freaked out by bunnies now because at soccer the last two weeks they had a person in a bunny costume and it freaked her out so bad she was shaking and we had to leave early! I don't think Easter is going to go over too well :(

Martha Cox said...

Amy, just don't let her see the deranged Donnie Darko bunny. Hahahahahahahaha!