Saturday, November 1, 2008

King Tut with GG

Today GG (Georgeous Grandma took us to see King Tut). It was interesting to see how a civilization worshiped some kid beginning from the age of nine until he died at age 19. Oh, and for those of you who I haven't seen for a couple of months. Yes, I am in the process of going blond again. I'm hoping to have time this week to get on it and add a bunch of super blond highlights. I did have a horrible eyebrown incindent about 3 weeks ago. I bleached them so blond that Dan said I looked like I didn't have ANY eyebrows. It was funny. It also took me NINE times of dying them brown to make the dang dye stick. So, I have brown eyebrows and blondish hair. Oh well, I'm always a work in progress. We stopped in at the kids parts of the museum to make a little clay pot with Morgan. Radio Disney was there hosting lots of activities. Morgan (umm... I mean... we won the scavenger hunt. I think that we were supposed to let the little kids win. I told that to Dan and he said, "We are. We are letting THIS (pointing to Morgan) little kid win." I think that we got a few evil looks from some of the parents. Morgan ended up winning a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. The answer to the prize was monkey. That's a work that he can say. So, technically he won.

GG treated us to lunch at Seventeen Seventeen. Mom ordered green eggs and ham. It was delicious. I had the tenderloin and Dan had yummy chicken on a waffle. Thanks GG!