Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ruidoso Trip

We had a great time in Ruidoso! I got to the airport early so that Morgan and I could have breakfast. I swear, that kiddo takes about 30-45 minutes per meal. We ate breakfast at Chili's. We sat by the railing so that Mr. Morgan was able to yell "hi!" to EVERYONE that walked by. Did everyone know that they have a kiddo area at the airport??!?! Ummm.... yea! Ok, so here's a mom thing. In the back of my mind I kept thinking... "When is this kid going to have his morning poo?" I know that is gross. But, it's a fact of life. And, I was only thinking this because I had visions of myself trying to clean up a big pooey mess on the plane. Luckily the poo happened while Morgan was playing in the play yard. (Hence the goofy strained look on his face.) Dad and Lynn are on a board that hosted a charity golf tournament for our troops overseas. Mr. Morgan went wild on the course and then I decided that I had had enough of trapsing all over the place in high heals. So, we bowed out until the silent auction later that night.
There is a huge Indian population in Ruidoso, NM. They are very tied into their heritage. We took Morgan to an Indian Pow Wow at the Inn of the Mountain gods Resort. It was super crowded. Here is a picture of just one of the magnificant costumes. These things were unreal. Morgan wore his Elmo costume.

Dad and Lynn surprised me with at massage and facial at a great spa in town. It was fabulous! There was also a children's Halloween festival in town. They had fishing games, face painting, bounce houses... all the typical kiddo festival stuff. Morgan had a black cat painted on his hand instead of his face so that he could see it.

But, it ended up on his face anyway when he smeared it all over the place. You can see the remnants here.

Lynn got in the spirit and had a moon and stars on her face!

Dad and Lynn friends, Rick & Ann, own an alpaca farm. They've sold some of these little guys for $500,000 for one little guy! So, they are pretty exotic. They also have chickens running around. Morgan was most interested in their insane cat that decided to plaster himself to my legs. I sure all of you know how much of a cat fan I am (insert MAJOR sarcasm here).

Dad and I drove up to the ski resort. The snow will come any day now. The view is beautiful. You can see the town below. There were tons of deer on the road. It was a fabulous trip. Thanks Dad and Lynn!

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