Well, we started prepping for the dentist a few weeks ago with books and chit chat. Andres and Gabriel have started staying with us during the day. So, it’s made it nice to do it as a group. Last week I took the boys on a fieldtrip to Smile Magic. They are a local kid’s pediatric place here in town. It’s totally set up for kids. They have an indoor maze play place and theater in the waiting room. The kiddos all loved the tour. They were spun around in the chair in the x-ray room and were told that this is the doctor that take photos of their teeth. Then, they met Dr. Stuart and all sat in the dentist chair. He told them that he would look in their mouth next time with his special tools and count their teeth. They have flat screens everywhere with cartoons. The kiddos collect a gold coin at each room they complete and then are allowed to trade in their money for prizes from the treasure chest in the consultation room. They also receive crowns, stickers and balloons. The boys were called Prince Morgan, Prince Andres and Prince Gabriel. They didn’t receive the coins and prizes on the field trip. But, they were told that they would get all this when they have their appointment.
So, today was the big day! Gabriel and Morgan saw the prizes last week and they have been talking ALL week long about how the dentist was going to look in their mouth and they would get the prizes. There is a little plastic man in the prizes. Gabriel said that he wanted the orange one and Morgan said that he wanted the green one. I couldn’t believe it when we arrived today and looked at the display. Sure enough! The samples showed a green man and an orange man. These kids are sharp!
This is the display treasure chest box that the kids have been dreaming about all week.
The x-ray tech was awesome. Everyone got to spin in the chair and see his special x-ray gun. He told the kiddos that they got to wear a special super hero cape.
After too much crawling on the floor bottoms were told to sit on the bench (by me).
Morgan and Gabriel are 19 days apart in age. They weighed the boys and Gabriel was a full 10 lbs. more than Morgan. They don’t look that different to me. Gabriel must be all muscle.
They got Gabriel’s x-ray the first try! Andres is still too young.
But, he had a good time watching anyway.
Gabriel has no cavities and the doctor could see a black spot in the x-ray where an adult tooth was forming.
Morgan and Dr. Stuart had a pretty serious discussion about his thumb sucking. Dr. Stuart was able to tell from looking at his thumb that he bites his thumb too… who knew?
Morgan has the start of two cavities in the back…. uggg!
No more juice for Andres. He has juice erosion on his lower front teeth and also on his back teeth. His 2 year molars are in the process of coming in.
Everyone was crowned prince at the end of the visit and 3 other techs joined us in the room for lots of clapping.
They have already asked to come back! I hope that things go as smoothly for the fillings and the sealants that everyone needs!
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